Both of these self-promo ads appeared in yesterday's (January 30th) edition of free daily rag amNew York. The one on the left, on page 24. The one on the right, page 38. Such an exact figure, that first one. Yet, it's contradicted 14 pages later. Perhaps, the ad on the right was placed by main competitor Metro New York? Or perhaps, amNew York is playing loose with advertisers' money. (UPDATE:amNew York cops to the fuckup in the comments.)
Considering that it's a free paper, either estimate has to be based on circulation at the time the creative was done, multiplied by some average readers-per-copy figure such as, oh, 1.7. I don't think the Audit Bureau of Circulations audits its circulation, nor do I think some syndicated data source such as Scarborough or Media Audit measure its readership. However, the Newspaper Association of America publishes average newspaper readers-per-copy figures by some basic demographic breaks on its website, based on MRI data. Yes, you can tell, I spent many years is media research for various ad agencies.
that's all well and good my ribald ribbiting friend, but it doesn't explain away the fuckup of placing 2 ads in the same issue with 2 very different numbers.
Well I do want to thank you all for bringing this to our notice ... though for everyone here at amNewYork it was certainly an OUCH!
As far as how this happened ... it is quite simple , as mistakes often are ... an old house ad was inadvertently put into some open space in our classified section ... the smaller, outdated, figure 908,300 was from a 2004 Media Audit Study and the current and correct figure of 1,019,326 is from the Scarborough Research Study: New York, NY Release 2: March-August 2005. This is part of a weekly (5-day) marketing/sales program for classified ads.
As far as our audited numbers, amNewYork's circulation is currently audited on a quarterly basis. We rotate the audits between CAC (Certified Audit of Circulations) and VAC (Verified Audit Circulation). The most current completed audit is the CAC Q3,2005 Audit Report for the 3 month period ending September 30, 2005 of 320,116 daily average distribution.
We certainly appreciate everyone reading amNewYork with such great interest and will double our efforts to watch our Ps & Qs as well as our 1s & 2s in the future Best regards, FJ Weintraub, Senior Vice President, amNewYork .
Well they are owned by Newsday.
Perhaps they loose 111026 readers over those 14 pages. . .
pitcrew, that made me chuckle.
its funny. i bet donny deutsch had something to do with this.
Considering that it's a free paper, either estimate has to be based on circulation at the time the creative was done, multiplied by some average readers-per-copy figure such as, oh, 1.7. I don't think the Audit Bureau of Circulations audits its circulation, nor do I think some syndicated data source such as Scarborough or Media Audit measure its readership. However, the Newspaper Association of America publishes average newspaper readers-per-copy figures by some basic demographic breaks on its website, based on MRI data. Yes, you can tell, I spent many years is media research for various ad agencies.
that's all well and good my ribald ribbiting friend, but it doesn't explain away the fuckup of placing 2 ads in the same issue with 2 very different numbers.
Well I do want to thank you all for bringing this to our notice ... though for everyone here at amNewYork it was certainly an OUCH!
As far as how this happened ... it is quite simple , as mistakes often are ... an old house ad was inadvertently put into some open space in our classified section ... the smaller, outdated, figure 908,300 was from a 2004 Media Audit Study and the current and correct figure of 1,019,326 is from the Scarborough Research Study: New York, NY Release 2: March-August 2005. This is part of a weekly (5-day) marketing/sales program for classified ads.
As far as our audited numbers, amNewYork's circulation is currently audited on a quarterly basis. We rotate the audits between CAC (Certified Audit of Circulations) and VAC (Verified Audit Circulation). The most current completed audit is the CAC Q3,2005 Audit Report for the 3 month period ending September 30, 2005 of 320,116 daily average distribution.
We certainly appreciate everyone reading amNewYork with such great interest and will double our efforts to watch our Ps & Qs as well as our 1s & 2s in the future Best regards, FJ Weintraub, Senior Vice President, amNewYork .
wow, dude.
how much clout do you have when a senior veep comes to your blog to plug his daily newspaper??
I agree with TAN, except I might have said, wha-whaaaat?
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