click ad) "Fill your desire for something long, juicy and flame-grilled..." Well, this ad via Singapore for the BK Super Seven Incher is the new leading "most overtly blow-jobby ad" I've ever seen, surpassing this
one, this
one, and even this
one. Nice misogynistic touch making the woman look like a fucking blow-up doll. Note the Photoshopped-enhanced creamy white mayo. (image
via, another version first seen
update: this ad is NOT by cp+b, and just for the record, I didn't tell anybody it was.
I honestly can't get over the fact that there's a seven-inch cheeseburger??? Good lawd.
I think it's more of a steak sandwich kind of thing.
haha check out the box for sennheiser's evolution handheld wireless microphones
I blame the Manwich.
Consider this writing an ORAL ADmonition and tongue lashing to both BK and its ad agency for fucking with people's brains and leaving nothing to the imagination.
The incredulous ad NOT ONLY SUCKS, is gag inducing, hard to swallow, and above all in BAD TASTE.
It might have legs in today's jaded anything goes culture, BUT it has no teeth!
There...I'm now spent...I had to get this load off my mind.
What about this (NSFW) one?
damn link http://adcentered.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/10/12/blowjob_2.jpg
@abesauer: yeah, but that ad is about sex (well, AIDS prevention).
It's not from the US (or Crispin I guess). It's from Singapore.
...which I already wrote in the post.
I think that is a "real doll" which makes this even worse. http://www.realdoll.com/
Naw, that's a real human -- just made to look like a doll.
What about the BK little ones ad? You can't tell me they were not showing those low cut tops on the women when they said they were just a handful..!! I laughed when it first came out but my wife said she didn;t even consider what I was seeing..until I brought it to her attention...I do belive she was pulling my leg though..!!
I suspect it leaves quite a salty taste in your mouth
Clearly she's impressed...
It's the best thing to come out of Burger King in years. I still won't eat one. I'm sure they're delicious, but I'm not into cheeseburgers.
I agree the little one ads are just as trashy. The woman in low cut skirts making comments about the beef and touching him around the crotch area is just wrong.
Get your minds out of the gutter. LOL.
Did they have to put the word "BLOW" on it!
the king is the best thats his samich
u lik it
I'm in Singapore and actually tried one. The regular patty is cut in half and laid end to end. Also it's actually more like a super 4 1/2" incher. So just like real life they lied about the size.
The agency misses the mark on this one.
Who is the target market? Big heavy set men who want a large sandwich. Said men probably want a blowjob; but do they really want to be eating a phallic symbol?
Prediction: backfires.
She could eat a BK SUPER SEVEN INCHER through a picket fence.
An absolutely disgusting and degrading ad.
I've eaten my last whopper.
If you are disgusted by the Burger King ad, where is your outrage about HARDEE'S commercials. They are much worse that Burger Kings. I refuse to buy anything from Hardee's because of their tastless ads.
This ad creeps me out much less so than the King that BK uses in most of their ads. That character really scares me.....
Hey dumbass, the cheese is ORANGE. It's the mayo that's white. Me thinks you have sperm on the brain...Freud would have a field day with you.
read my post here: I said mayo. I said that to the Fox reporter. He told me the sandwich doesn't have mayo on it, so he took liberties with my words, and said he wasn't changing the piece.
I think that it's shocking that this BK ad from a different continent is raising so much fuss when we have a blatently homoerotic ad right here in the US anytime you turn on the TV. "Put it in me, Scott," by Quizonos leaves little to the imagination with their foot-long new deli treat. Come on, we're more offened by a print ad with a woman wearing red lipstick than we are of an ad that makes every straight man that I know cringe every time he hears it.
I see nothing wrong with this BK ad. Apparently your mind is in the gutter. I might suggest for you to get a life!
Just depends upon who is being offended, and offended men just don't count.
I'm surprised by some of the comments. I don't feel this latest Burger King ad is acceptable. It's called subliminal advertising.
Don't patronize businesses that promote inappropriate subliminal messages.
I definitely think her mouth should be open wider.
Who is the target audience of this ad? If men are the one, it would be successful ad, I guess. however, I was surprised that this kind of ad still come out.
The King's agency is on record as stating that their primary market is 18-35 year old men who consider themselves "hip".
BK isn't aiming for the families with kids market: that's firmly locked into McDonald's demographic and it's throwing money down a hole to fight them for it. If you show people a commercial about taking their kids out to a fast food restaurant, they think "Hey! Yeah! Let's go to McDonalds, everbody!"
This is the same rationale that drove them to the "Wake up with the King" campaign: you can't just suggest breakfast sandwiches, because people think Egg McMuffin. You have to make them think about *your* product. Your 8 year old is scared of The King? Fine. But if you're the hip uncle and you want to talk to the girl at the drive thru about your big 7 incher, that kid's getting BK even if he *is* scared of the giant plastic King head: because he's not driving *or* paying.
oh my... you should see this one...not sure what is copy about, but picture speaks for itself.
Granted, if you didn't have a dirty mind, this probably would be acceptable. Is it not enough to think that the creators of this ad were not thinking about sex when they created it? Just wondering.
It's the best thing to come out of Burger King in years.
I think that thing is the king of the Burger. i like it. i wish to eat that burger
Jack in the Box ran ads like this for years, and now I don't ever visit the place and haven't in over 10 years. I'm still haunted by that stupid "...it's your birfday..." ad they ran that never even showed the food. An ad that aims to appeal to idiotic teenage boys is fine; but an ad that is so offensive it actually drives away other customers is way over the line and is a total fail.
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