Sex trafficking awareness ads a tad too graphic.

(click ads, via) But then, they're via Singapore, sleazy ad capital of the world. So I would expect the creatives working in their ad agencies to be very informed about the sex trade. However, how these layouts will do anything to help the cause is a mystery to me. They would make good posters for a sex trafficker trade show.
Ad agency: BBDO Proximity.
Here's four previous sex trafficking ads from around the world.
Previous sleazy ads via Singapore:
• the most sexist beer ads ever.
• "My secret to beautiful skin? I swallow."
• the infamous Burger King blowjob ad.
• Dead stacked woman WonderBra TV spot.
is it wrong that this made me a little horny?
Aaaaahhhhhh! (:D)
yay sex party!
oh wait...
Yes, Anon, it is very wrong, you fucking perv.
I am beginning to think this blog attracts weirdos, pervs, chronic masturbators, and other shady characters.
Jeebus. Makes you wonder how those ad men know so much as to be so graphic.
Ok, well I think if the only thing you're taking away from these ads is that they're too graphic and sleazy, you're either completely jaded to what is an extremely real, extremely heartbreaking global problem, or you're just completely missing the forest for the trees.
I looked at some of your other posts regarding this subject. It seems, in your opinion, that there are no decent ads to bring more attention to the issue of trafficking. So why don't you seriously just STFU, stop posting these, and stop inherently ridiculing the people who are literally devoting their lives to this cause?
@anon 3:55
It's a matter of public record - whenever places that traffic people are raided, the details are put down. From what little I know, these give you a pretty good idea about the conditions.
How do you know it was made only by ad men? Maybe a woman with first-hand experience produced the ads with which I right-hand pleasured myself to. She knew I'd get a raging boner at the sight of her sexy, randy plight.
*more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap-more fap*
Ahh...again. (:*)
No, my problem with them is that they're pointless and ineffectual ads done mainly, usually pro-bono, to try to win ad awards, not to help a cause. That's why you can barely read the copy and contact info.
After spending a year in Asia volunteering with two NGO's working on this issue, I'm happy to see anything that might cause the non-mindlessly-horny to be aware of the problem. But I'm with CR; these look more like pro bono award-show bait given the difficulty of discerning the call to action.
p.s. Anyone who doubts the reality of the problem, head over to either of these sites:
The 4:45 PM Anon hit the nail on the head. There is really no point in trying to reason with 'ranter. The dude has a huge chip on his shoulder that he needs to fucking knock off. (I won't elaborate). The ads nicely and accurately portray the reality of being lured and trapped into sex trafficking. He calls that sleazy, too graphic. Huh? Whatever. And yes, they will - and should - win awards.
You know nothing about me. There is no chip. Well, no advertising-related chip, that's for sure.
to all anon. that have a problem with ranters 'chip'
you are all narrow minded and are not willing to accept an opinion an industry professional is freely sharing. It's his perspective on ads, not yours, go ahead disagree, he's not disapproving your mindless rants/comments..
if you can share an opinion, why can't he?
Don't bother with the anon trolls, anon. Let them troll.
Does anyone have the address to these fine establishments?
to the last anon.
what respect does that industry professional (heh) prick show to those of us who disagree with him? he calls us all trolls. geez, he can't find a different word to use. he sort of respects only those that side with him. with the rest, he acts peevishly. Go fucking drown yourself, anon.
I'm sorry, I won't call you a troll again.
If I respond to any such comments from now on, I will just say "thank you for sharing," like they used to do at est seminars.
Really, this is what I'm going to do.
If I don't write it, that is still what I will be thinking.
Thank you, Werner Erhard.
Pretty Ad, VERY Well done technically. Nice illustrations BUT I personally feel that they don't push the emotional button that says: WHERE AND HOW CAN I FRIKING HELP THESE GIRLS AND HELP TO PUT ALL THOSE PERVERTS IN JAIL. It's just one more cool and well illustrated Ad that attacks a very serious matter that needs serious attetion from the world.
Anonymous 1:37: You think that someone objecting to the idea that the imprisonment, rape, and brutalization of women and girls is sexy is a 'prude'? Fuck you.
Anonymous 4:45: I *somewhat* agree with you - I mean, my reaction to these ads was to be horrified, so I they think they did their job, for me at least (I mean, is there any way to make some people object to sex trafficking, given that it seems to just turn them on? In that case, might as well target the people who are capable of caring about the issue, which I think these ads do quite effectively). But I don't think you need to be a jerk about it. You can disagree with copyranter without insulting him.
Fuck me? COOL!
You're still a prude.
Really shocking :(. Nice illustration. I wasn't able to read the copy though.
I agree with CP its a made-for-awards ad. (I'm not saying that the cause is less important).
At least these worthless sluts are finally doing something right:
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