Dov Girl.

Last week, Radar published what amounted to a 1,600+ word American Apparel press release written by Claire Salinda, a sometime AA model and self-proclaimed "pretty fucking hot" girl, defending the honor of pants-optional company founder Dov Charney. Read the article, and think back fondly to a time in your life when you were such a naive little tabula rasa. (For masturbatory purposes, here's another one of Claire's porn ads)
For the life of me I cannot buy one word of her "He ain't heavy he's my employer" screed.
To echo a commenter at Radar: She's not actually as hot as she thinks she is.
I really hate those ads. Nasty stuff.
Lisa B.
Euch. I don't really have any problem with Dov - sure, he's creepy, but so am I. I have a problem with bad writing, and this is quite the example.
It reads disturbingly like the testimony in defense of cult leaders by their cultists.
Well, that doesn't tell me anything more definitive than the innuendos we've all heard. But, it was pretty good writing. I'd give it a B+.
I knew that toilet camera would work.
i like her butt
She's right about one thing: most guys would not mind Dov's job.
In my world, being completely honest, she is attractive. But in the NYC and LA modeling world she is so not "fucking hot". So obviously there are delusional issues. Actually all of the AA models have that almost vague runaway - abused - drug whore - German scat film quality to them. Maybe that is what Mr. AA looks for. I am in complete agreement with the cultist defending the cult assessment.
Yes, I agree Claire... Dov is most certainly a "champion for positive body image." As in, Dov is positive that he will exploit your body for profit using your image that he will reimburse you for with vibrators.
Someone should really let these AA models know they can buy their own vibe for less than $50. No worrying about lube in your navel required.
Well, I think Claire is pretty fucking hot. To the detractors, let's see examples of who you think is fucking hot.
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