McDonald's fries now made with human hand fat.

So the glutenous fast food behemoth finally cooked up a trans fat-less fry formula. In Brazil, at least judging by this ad, the new formula includes the cut-off, cooked fingers of Mickey D's fry guys/gals. Is this more or less disgusting than Subway's human entrails sub? The French Spiderman 3 cheeseburger? Settle down. I am of course being too literal with this visual targeting young "rocker" types. But food ads should be—above all other considerations, including cool art direction—appetizing. And, while I'm not young, I have played drums in a couple mediocre punk rock bands. And the last thing I now want to eat for lunch today is McDonald's. previous McDonald's posts: Eat a box o' lard, then play some football; a big fat lie of a nutrition ad; and Ronald is Dead. update: as a commenter on Gawker says: you'd think that the Wendy's chili finger incident would have come into play here.
This does not make me want to eat McDonald's. It's just kind of weird.
People are still doing that hand thing? I thought that was the 80's.
That "I'm lovin' it" is old too.
Someone is phoning this job in
and is overpaid.
I'd have to be a day away from food to eat there.
a bunch of ads have been using the hand painting pictures right? I think cingular had some with elephants and a geisha. I guess McDonald's is doing it now, but you're right, it's not the same with food!
This ad is finger lickin' good, or not as the case may be.
To me this ad says, "pull my finger."
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