The mighty Quinn.

(click ads) The long-awaited follow-up to men's suit seller Duncan Quinn's disgusting NoLita Strangler ad is finally here, scanned from the latest City magazine. Women, he rapes and asphyxiates. Men, he simply blows away with a sawed-off shotgun. Bespoke gangsta! Do you, Jimmy Choo, and Marc Jacobs share fantasy snuff photo-shoot stories? Dead is the new Black in fashion ads. Anyway, Duncan baby, You still need a third execution to complete your contrived, desperate, faux-edgy Killer fashion concept. Here's one: Motorcycle chase crash scene with a couple of well-dressed beheaded riders (he sells helmets). Here's another: suicide scene, blood splattered on the wall behind you, but not a drop on your pinstripes. And your corpse is smiling. Readers, add your third ad ideas in the comments, if you want.
The fact that she is obviously wearing Agent Provocateur lingerie softens the message. I might be willing to die for a $300 bra.
Third ad: bursting out of a cake holding a clown's head on his unit (Am. Psycho. No blood or icing on the silk) and he's doing it all for Billy's 6th birthday party.
Come all without...
What ideas can I give a guy who creates "Personality Wrappers™"?
Love it, great homage to an all time favorite film: Get Carter (the Michael Caine version).
See the original pic:
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