Hedge row a tad unruly, ladies? Tear off a pubic hair phone number.

(click images, via) Yes, hairy-muffed gals, it's your semi-regular genital waxing advertising update. Last month, it was scary Photoshopped bald cocks and shaved beavers selling a California waxing shop. Now, it's overgrown bush for the new GBB beauty salon opening in one of the busiest office buildings in Bucharest. The crudely drawn posters, promoting their "professional waxing" service, feature pubic hair tear-off phone numbers sticking out from the bikini bottom. I'm sure it got the place some new customers, though said customers were probably a little leery about being seen depilating the poster. By Tempo Advertising in Bucharest. Previously: Waxing ads roundup.
For those not into 'area rugs', 'welcome mats' or 'Hitler Mustaches' get down with 'CRAZY BUSH' by The DOO WOPS.
... they don't mean 'DUBYA'.
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