Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Shoe company billboard features zero shoes, one skull.

(click image, billboard on Houston St.)
Aldo marketing director: "The model's boring, the clothes are boring."
Aldo creative director: We're not Tom Ford or Luciano Carvari.
AMD: I know what'll make the ad edgy: a skull!
ACD: A what?
AMD: A shiny metal skull, like what with that Damien Hurt guy.
ACD: "Damien Hirst."
AMD: Yeah, and pretty boy is kissing it!"
ACD: "How...Shakespearean."
AMD: What?
ACD: "Nevermind."
Previous senseless Aldo billboard.


Anonymous Bata Bing said...

Toe be, or not toe be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous footwear

4:57 PM  

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