Friday, December 16, 2011

The absolute worst ad awards show promo video ever.

There is more suck here than in all six Deep Throat movies. In fact this video, for Miami's ADDYs has forced me to bring back a long-dead copyranter feature: the Chocolate Equine's Posterior Award™. It goes to ad agency DKP, Miami for this 84 seconds of pure Suck. Let me just pick out one thing: What the FUCK is with the eco-lightbulb over the presenters' heads? (via)
Previous terrible ad awards shows ads: CLIOs (depressing) ANDYs (anilingus).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

By worst, I assume you mean best, right?

That was wonderful.

2:08 PM  
Blogger cheeseonearth said...

That was awesome. The only issue I have with it is that it wasn't graphic enough. There should be more videos of people in advertising getting bludgeoned to death.

"By the way if anyone here is in advertising or marketing... kill yourself."

8:57 PM  
Blogger copyranter said...

Thank you Bill. Of course the bludgeoning was nice, but as a promo for an awards show it sucked shit.

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>The School of Visual Arts is widely considered the best ad school in the world<

That's the biggest joke I've heard. But whatever you say.

You and I should work out together. I often go to David Barton. I'm pretty tall myself. 6'4. 245 lbs. 3% body fat. While I bench press, you can tell me more about your alma mater.

2:02 PM  
Blogger copyranter said...

What's better? The Miami Ad School? Please. I look at those kids' portfolios every month. Their ads are very sensational, and would never ever sell to any real client.

I don't workout in gyms.

But I'll meet for a beer or coffee or wheatgrass shot, if that's your thing.

2:10 PM  
Blogger copyranter said...

Wait, there are many "OG" anon trolls here, I can't keep track; are you the guy who thought I was gay? If so, I vaguely remember liking your comments.

2:34 PM  
Anonymous -1-T-M- said...

Greetings ranter,
your 'call to arms,' to assemble and set in motion open hostilities with the fucking, gutless, anonymous, coward(s), 'tête-à-tête/mano a mano,' at or near NYC Union Square, has piqued my curiosity about this National Historic Landmark (so named in 1997) primarily to honor it as the site of the first Labor Day parade.

Naturally, you know that the park has historically been the start or the end point for many political demonstrations. Union Square is, and was, a frequent gathering point for radicals of all stripes to make speeches or demonstrate.

In April 1861, soon after the fall of Fort Sumter, it was the site of a patriotic rally of perhaps a quarter of a million people that is thought to have been the largest public gathering in North America up to that time.

In 1865, the recently formed Irish republican Fenian Brotherhood came out publicly and rented Dr. John Moffat's brownstone row house at 32 East 17th Street, next to the Everett House hotel facing the north side of the square, for the capitol of the government-in-exile they declared.

More recently, in the days and weeks following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Union Square became a primary public gathering point for mourners.

As a 6-2, 175 lbs hockey player who can do 5 sets of 20 wide-grip chin-ups, (you also keep reminding the rest of us, ad nauseam) obviously makes you an imposing adversary, BUT please, show some respect!

Wouldn't some dark alley in Uptown Manhattan, East New York, Brownsville or even North Brooklyn, be a more fitting spot for you to pick and where to ultimately defeat/pulverize all these annoying, fucking, anonymous adversaries?

2:52 PM  
Blogger copyranter said...

NOTICE: From now on, NO boring anon troll comments will be published on this blog. I know I've said it before, but I MEAN IT this time. You wanna be a boring dick with no life, you gotta sign in with an email address.

You've inspired me, supposed buff supposed Barton supposed boy.

3:22 PM  

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