Invitation: please explain these idiotic jeans ads to me.

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For uniform jeans.
"Save A Species."
Fashion advertising, being bereft of ideas or sense these days, has adopted "the environment" as a creative linchpin. Diesel did it. Bianco shoes did it. There are other brands, I'm just to busy to look for them.
Now, this campaign via Uruguay. I kind of get: the models are rescuing the animals from a related colored goo; bat from blood, squid from black ink (?); lobster from ocean; and whatever the hell that last animal is from whatever the hell that white goo is. Your thoughts invited. Ad agency: Plutón, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Previously in: Fucked Up Fashion Shoots (some nsfw).
Fourth ad: Porcupine? From snow?
Perhaps they don't use harmful dyes in their process?
I thought the first one is a furby.
i think this is inspired by technomarine series of ad with real animals.
The last animal is a hedgehog. No clue what the white goo is, though I know what I hope it's not...
The white goo? Yeah. It's baby batter. Man gravy. Organic Jergens. The AD has a thing for hot, sweet sistas. Can't say I blame him...
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