Copywriters! What do you think of these Grand Prix-winning ads for Swiss Life?

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The Epica awards, "Europe's premier creative awards," were recently handed out. The above campaign, by Spillmann/Felser/Leo Burnett, Zurich, won the press Epica d’Or. What do you think? Not massively creative, but kinda clever, kinda nice, especially compared to the usual ads in this dry as dirt category. Share you opinions, please.
Previously: • Copywriters! Critique this long copy beer ad • Copywriters! Write the headline for this Russian Jameson's ad • Copywriters! Let's write some taglines for Zombie Strippers.
very up its own arse. nice idea. not too well written.
Yeah, I think they're translations from the original ads (maybe French).
es maravilloso
I think the "disruptive" nature of each line is jarring enough to get the message across. On strategy, interesting, not sure if it's giant-award-worthy though. We do have to consider the competition...
I think, as you said, it's a nice idea for what is usually such a dry sector. In short, I like it.
I kind of like 'em
I kind of like 'em
I don't like them. They are not grammatically correct.
they were originally in german, french and italian.. i like them. made me kinda think
I like 'em. They're somewhat like the "before and after" Wheel of Fortune category puzzles. They emphasize the twists and turns. Well thought. The typography is boring though.
Originals are in german. They called my attention as witty, but I also kind of feared sequels getting worse. But I haven't seen them in switzerland since summer
I think these suck my dick faux-clever garden-path ambiguities.
(Actually, once I read the "uncertain/everchanging world" thing, I changed my mind and now I think they're a solid B-.
As someone who sees and writes a lot of financial services stuff, I think this is very good.
Ass-tarded on every level. Especially on the level of ass-tardedly bad writing.
Yeah, they're simple, true, and made me stop and reread them. Then the tagline neatly paid it off. Right on strategy.
As a fan of "fuck-tardedly," is "ass-tardedly" better or worse?
reminds me of Wheel of Fortune...but affective
Dunno sometimes I even veer into anus-tarded or even slut-tarded.
You know, you gotta be innovative with neologistic expletives. They have a really short shelf life.
I like the concept but the top two are ruined by bad line breaks.
"working with you" and "I love" should be on their own lines.
So much talk about these ads, and nothing about World AIDS Day, which is today. Not even a single condom or HIV/AIDS awareness ad/commercial. Tsk tsk tsk.
Haven't seen one good/bad ad/promo about it. All just boring.
I'm on the fence(s) make good neighbors.
@ C Ranter and TG Cunt.
For your consideration at this gift giving time:
Brazen rip off. Shame on you Leo Burnett.
I guess the judges didn't know about this other campaign by Rethink, my favorite Canadian ad agency.
@ Vinnie
Based on your copious, very relevant and interesting comments/posts, the impression I have of you is of the Energizer Bunny.
I've always wondered whether you have a blog of your own, BUT as you can see, this is the message I get when clicking on the Vinnie link.
Profile Not Available
The Blogger Profile you requested cannot be displayed. Many Blogger users have not yet elected to publicly share their Profile.
I don't have time to blog. I am very busy. At one point I was going to create a site similar to Ads Of The World. I haven't given up on that. I may still do it one day.
For now, I moderate the Vintage Advertising group on Flickr. So if you like vintage ads, bookmark the site. And if you are a flickr member, you can add me as a contact.
sweet and nice !!
better have a boring typeface than an ugly one,
I love negative comments from people who probably don't do much, or try to make their speech the base of their work.
Copycat is not the most dramatic accusation in ad's world, bunch of freaky 'must-be-new' (even if senseless) stuff lovers.
@Vinnie, if you have no time to blog (like always), save your time posting, save OUR time reading, and save your planet watching at things positively instead of discreditating (trying pathetically) the idea of one and all, I see at least three interesting different points between what you saw some time ago and these works.
@Anon 10:14 AM
You have something to say to me, email me. Contact Copyranter and he will give you my email address.
You can badmouth me all you want. I don't know you. I probably never will. So why should I care what you think of me? I don't. I have no intention of stooping down to your level, that is, resorting to malicious remarks. You are probably member of the Leo Burnett network.
This is a fucking rip off. If it didn't win an award, I would have been (sort of) cool with it. But having Leo Burnett bask in their big win at Epica pisses me off. In any event, the original campaign, as is usually the case, remains the better one. Finally, if something is going to be awarded Grand Prix, it better be new!
If you don't like my comments, ignore them. Petty jabs reflect badly on you.
@ Vinnie
I recently came across and book marked this vintage ads site, but you're probably aware of it.
'Fuckyea?'... It makes me wonder if most bloggers suffer from a mild case of Tourette syndrome. Don't fall into the same juvenile trap... make yours moderate and classy!
Not only did the ReThink campaign use (invent?) the same sentence structure, but they incorporated illustrations to augment the idea. In the camping ad, the left hand is shooting the "finger" (aka The Trudeau Salute in Canada), while the right hand is giving the "rock on" sign...
It is on brief but not even a shortlist for me.
On the other hand, Epica winners always seem to be kind of weird. Maybe because the jury consists of frustrated people who were not good enough to become copywriters so they are professional journalists now.
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