If you have a fetish for the little hairs on a woman's ass, then these are the jeans ads for you.

(click ads, perv) Ass crack in fashion ads is of course nothing new. Here, nothing came between these models and their new Zero Degree women's slim-fit jeans. In fact as you can see, the contents of their back pockets have left (Photoshopped) imprints on their ass cheeks. I don't know how many pairs of tight jeans these will sell, but the company could definitely sell a few million of these posters to college boys the world over. Via South African ad agency Euro RSCG. Here's the third ad from the campaign, featuring a frontal shot. previous stops on the Worldwide Gratuitous Ad Ass Tour: the Côte d'Azur. Berlin. Munich. London. Brazil. Guatemala. America. TriBeCa. And NoHo.
Well, it's not a fetish, but they can be attractive.
soft and nuzzly
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