How the Hell did this stupid CNN campaign win a Cannes Lion?

(click ads, via) It's for CNN Turkey and it won a Bronze Outdoor Lion last month. It's such a goofy first-thought idea. And, it's an unoriginal idea. And Obama would never ever agree to endorse pathetic CNN. Add that ad to the illicit Barackvertising archive. Ad agency: DDB Istanbul.
Previous CNN Turkey ads attacked America and Vladimir Putin.
Comment eaten, I guess. Take-two. Not to disparage other people's work, but haven't seen much from Cannes that I'd even show my CD. Tho, they're getting the awards...
:-) wood-a-been funnier if they swapped heads! :-)
I was wondering that too when I saw the ad on Adsoftheworld. But then again it really isn't the worst of the lot.
is it not obvious by now that the Cannes Lion is really not that prestigious an award. It awards SO MANY TERRIBLE ads that the whole thing is a joke.
Indeed. In fact, the whole scam-filled ad awards industry is specious at best, and in my opinion now utterly useless.
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