Five-story models compete for my love.

Out my window to the left is my bendy, lippy, milky-skinned G-STAR girlfriend. Out my window to the right is my leggy, sandy, bronze-skinned CK girlfriend (click images for better look). Both stare right into my office all day long from their competing spots directly across from each other on Houston Street. I, in turn, eye-fuck them both back. For CK girl, I draw crude hearts pierced by penis arrows in the sand. For G-STAR girl, I trace the muscle line of her long taut thigh with my trusty Design® art marker. Um, excuse me...
And with that, we have all the information we need to identify you.
When I look out my window, I see a sign for a bar called the Grand Canal. You're lucky enough to see two grand canals.
Ben, you ID me, and I'll beat the Popken out of you.
apt dis-clothesure
could it be possible not to anger Duffy ranter, please? especially when he brings us nice morning Denim lust to go with our coffee...
You messed up, boooooyyyy!
We now KNOW who you are and we'll come after you!
Jeez, even I ID'd you a while back, with my sleuthy Puck building research. (I bet the Puck statue is lusting ater those billboard women. And with a name like Puck, the bad pick-up lines are endless.)
duh anon. (the one above the one above. so confusing, couldn't you dudes use monikers?) Gawker named me by name. Good work, CSI, Blog Unit.
That's funny, I've been skulking around, lurking outside of your office building all day and haven't seen you come in or out. . .
i thought copyranter id'd himself a while back. what's the biggie?
I say we 'out' the whiny puke and get him fired... Let's see how much he hates the ad business when he's on the dole. That oughta set the little shit straight.
maybe he'll get serious about his drumming once unemployed...
My boss knows about the blog. So there is no "outting" to be done.
(Such a foul mouth. Is that you Donnie? Mark Doliver?)
geez, haven't you people figured it out yet? there's no such thing as "on the dole" for copywriters. there will always be demand for copyranter's skills.
I'm in Chicago and have to stare at a really bad sculpture of a painting by least your billboards change. My sculpture ain't goin' nowhere. Kill me now.
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