Taglines are DUMB, #2.

Work Hard. Fly Right.
FUCK YOU! This is my knee-jerk expletive EVERY time I hear this fucking awful tagline. NO, you work hard, and you fly right you flying fuckfaces. I will work any damn well way I fucking please. And—correct me if I'm wrong here Contifuckingnental—I believe it is in fact YOU who is flying the fucking plane, and therefore it is YOU who should fucking fly "right" you preachy fucks. Now, give me my fucking Jack Daniels and hold the fucking ice, fem/manbot.
(previously: Taglines are DUMB, #1)
We'll piss you off.
Continental is the Braniff of the new millenium. There is nothign right about flying that airline.
Hey, don't knock Newark! Newark gave us two great things--Ballantine Beer and Philip Roth.
Someone buy Anonymous II a Ballantine. Sounds like he could use one to dampen his bile.
And tell him that Sarah Vaughn is from Newark. Also Newark's Branch Brook Park (designed by Frederick Law Olmstead) was the first county park in the U.S. designed for public use.
Again, I gotta say, the first part of the above comment is wonderful and the second part is a tad over the top. Juuuust sayin'.
Using the F word to complain and rant is lazy.
Youre blog has a good premise, too bad your bon mots are lacking any flavor.
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Alas I am a simpleton. While randomly selecting a date of the archive to pass the morning I read this early blog and laughed my head off. Heads peered over cubicle walls and I could not explain how Contifuckingnental pushed me over the edge and made me laugh.
Well done sir!
there is nothing wrong going up in the air, just don't forget your manners.
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