Microsoft has done good advertising, like,
never. But this new fakery is fucking foul. Fake Business. Fake People. Fake Benefits. You're
people ready? That's novel for a software company. I, personally, am looking for aardvark_ready software. Anyway, I got out the tape and a marker and took a stab (
click image) at what these model/actors might really be ready to do.
previously:The Fake Testimonial. Now with more Fake.
"Whhhhy is it.. That they call it taaaking a dump.. When you're actually Leeeaving a dump?"
Oh, I don't blame the agency much at all, in this case. Take the Gates money and shut the fuck up.
Underscores are tremendously sucky. If anyone's got an email with an underscore in it, I'm sorry, but you lose big time.
Wouldn't you hate having to always say "My email is doofus underscore johnson at shithole dot com" or something to that effect?
I would.
I'm not saying anything Copyranter.
You don't have to blame the ad agency, but you should feel some compassion for the hacks that had to truck this shitpile out to the media. Here's the one guy that got it.
Oh man anonymous...after that article: I'm going to sell my microsoft stock. Maybe I can buy some betamax. It can only go up, right? :(
I hate the dinosaur head ads: what the fuck is up with that? They seem to have problems that no one else has. What other systems (besides apple) do people run? Or is that their dig at Apple? I'm confused. :(
Last night, I was leafing through my Newsweek and they had the two page spread.
Here's the break down:
27 people
8 Women
19 men
2 Skirts (both african american women)
3 Asians
3 Blacks
8 dorky white guys
maulleigh: the stupid dinosaur ads are for the cross-platform MS Office software. So I guess they're advertising to businesses that use abacuses and manual typewriters.
I hate that commercial they're playing on tv right now with Dr.Crusher from Star Trek TNG! "What do we have that no one else does?" ...."them" and then he points at people...yeah..okay.
What a bunch of BS.
Have you seen the apple ads? They're super funny
Wow, you're really up on your ads. This shit ran a year ago. Find something new to hate. Don't be bitter because all you do is direct resonse ads for Sears.
"In a people-ready business, people make it happen." Seriously? A lead copy line for a $300m account? It's straight out of the "client with nothing to say/pablum park" section in chapter 8 of Hey Whipple.
And CR, screw anonymous for saying this isn't current; tripe like this--especially coming from CP+B--always deserves ridicule.
thanks Nate, but check the date of my post...this ad was done by McCann, I think.
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