Jesus. Here's some more blindingly idiotic Liquor spinoff names clumsily targeting the Beefy White Frat Brah demo: • Jägermeister Poker • Skyy Puuke • Jack Daniels Maxim • Cuervo Fight Club
Boone's Farm has ignored the trend and taken the opposite approach with the introduction of "Super Premimum Top Shelf Strawberry Hill". The copy reads something like: "Winos still suck on our discarded corks but now they have to loiter outside of four star restaraunts to get them."
jj gittes - The spelling can be excused. But the irresponible use of ellipsis cannot. Never type while in mid tranny thrust dear boy.
Boone's Farm doesn't have enough alchohol to be a good bum wine. The market that consumes it is more in 15-17 group. Maybe they're trying to sell to the children of wine snobs?
Johnny Walker Date Rape.
Herradrura Fuckatranny
...which I've obvioushly been ingeshting...whish would eshplain the shpelling...shorry
Boone's Farm has ignored the trend and taken the opposite approach with the introduction of "Super Premimum Top Shelf Strawberry Hill". The copy reads something like: "Winos still suck on our discarded corks but now they have to loiter outside of four star restaraunts to get them."
jj gittes - The spelling can be excused. But the irresponible use of ellipsis cannot. Never type while in mid tranny thrust dear boy.
Boone's Farm doesn't have enough alchohol to be a good bum wine. The market that consumes it is more in 15-17 group. Maybe they're trying to sell to the children of wine snobs?
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