Topographical Zombie Bono Used to Sell Economical Development in Ireland.

For some unfathomable reason, this was the visual (click image) chosen for an IDA (Industrial Development Agency) Ireland ad which ran recently in the Economist. It is a painting by Louis le Brocquy in the National Gallery of Ireland. It is freaky fucking scary. "Move your business to Ireland! See Bono's ghost face come out of your offices' walls!"
Don't you get it? The idea being that the prospects for business in Ireland are so good because the future of Ireland is in the hands of youth who are so industrious they don't just make sandcastles, they make sandBonos.
That's actually Bono's real face without makeup and giant sunglasses.
yeah, I'd wear giant sunglasses too if one of my eyes was slowly melting.
Now you've started reading The Economist???
Bono is such a shill. It's one thing to guilt Fortune 1000 types into tossing a few pennies in the well, but many hardliners have long said he's selling-out true reform. An ad for investment in Ireland leads me to believe he is working for The Man.
A painting of Bono-as-geographic feature?
Bono should be a foam stress-reliever, not a painting...
This portrait is by Louis le Brocquy, one of Ireland's most established and respected artists. It's shit, but his other kind of similar portraits of Yeats and others are really good. (It's in the National Gallery.)
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