Introducing the "Whooooa Baby!" tampon.
(click ad to read copy)
I am not a woman. I do not have a vagina. However, I have lived—and am living—with a woman. And I have observed that, during menstruation, women are generally not in a mood to do handstands (wonder what Kotex Ko would have to say about that?). BUT, this is not for me, a man, to say for sure. Ladies, do you believe that a new tampon—Tampax's biggest upgrade EVER! could make you shout "Whooooa baby?" (note, four o's). Yes or No?
(ad from August Glamour, emailed by Blaize Wilkinson)
previously in women:
1. Labiaplasty ad with hilarious typos.
2. Pink NHL jerseys.
3. Meet Ko, the Krazy eyeless Kotex icon.
4. Samsung commits an innuendon't.
5. Butch Cassidy sez: Bang your husband. Eat your greens.
Why not just "Give your child a tug"?
Ohhhhhhhhh. Never mind.
I'll give you the perfect tampon spot.....and it's already been shot.
Just take the elevator-opens-to-reveal-a-river-of-blood-coming-towards-you scene from "The Shining" and then end with a VO that says "Tampax Ultra. For when its that bad"
OK, this one strikes me as really sexual. I'm not ashamed or against menstruation or anything, but that's just wrong.
Biggest upgrade? What? I thought the biggest upgrade was going from cramps to full-out bloating.
Ignoring the "Whoa baby" ridiculous romance-novel cover script for a moment (or maybe not), I'm choosing to focus on the bird that is, for some reason, hovering around the area of her scissored legs as though examining her newly-plugged vagina.
Even the bird is in awe. Amazing. That's a serious selling point.
Check out what they did for the minority market:
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush...
Oh. My. God. highjive, that image you URL-ed is just even More Seriously Deluded than the one above. It looks like the bike seat is her tampon. What is WRONG with these people?
The packshot says these things are made of cardboard. Wouldn't it be easier then to make some yourself with used cereal boxes?
Why are they using the word "baby?" Isn't menstruation all about NO BABY?
good point.
yes, it's soo wrongly sexual. and they've highlighted the phrase "3-way" as well. unless i'm reading too much into it.
Ugh! I actually had to work on interactive components for this product. Being that I have lady parts, I was most struck by the "3-way leak protection" (which they HAVE to have in all their copy.) Seriously: WTF? My blood only leaks one way. I so don't get it.
Then they started talking about the tampon's "skirt" and I passed the project onto a lovely but slightly more jr. writer. A girl can only take so much confusion...
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