about.com perhaps goes a bit too far with the wordplay.
See, her husband/boyfriend hasn't viciously assaulted her, resulting in the death/loss of her unborn baby. It's just a little harmless joke...which is a good thing, otherwise, the expectant Mother might have committed "shoe-icide," thus "deactivating" her life. Hopefully you've learned a lesson here, about.com—Words Can Kill. Right, General Betray Us?
(bus poster at 14th & 8th. thanks to Timothy Cooper for the pic)
classy :(
Unfortunately I cannot dislike about.com more than I already do.
Seems like a very superficial reader's digest type site.
Is it just me, or does about.com just feel like a more legitimate link farm?
If it's about getting drunk, not using a condom and regretting it... it's about.com
The link farm is right. Everything there isn't as it seems.
And what do we need about.com for anyway? We got wikipedia.org which rocks a million BILLION time more.
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