It's the Coffin Cuties of the 2008 Necrophilia Calendar.

(click images for closer look)
This is an advertising critiquing blog, right? So why am I posting images from an ultra cheesy calendar put out every year by a sleazy Italian coffin company? Because somebody named Ryan Ressler sent me the link, and it's dead-on inane. (Wonder if any of these "models" are wearing WonderBras?) When you die, are you Hell bent on having your body placed in an overpriced wooden container and buried in dirt? Not me. Burn me. And then, toss me somewhere; the somewhere hasn't hit me yet, but it will.
previously in Death:
1. AccuQuote. Death Becomes Us.
That's not a real business,
just a sleazy softcore site:)
so there's nothing about advertising in there;;
au contraire, Mr./Ms. Wrong-o; they feature over 15 butt-ugly coffin styles:
First you fuck; then you die: classic Italian neo-realism.
Not so
and it's Sicilian, doll baby.
I get it now: it's subliminal. Buy a coffin from us, spend eternity with one of these hot betches.
The Muslims have been trying to sell this same bill of goods for awhile now....only these chicks don't look like virgins.
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