Don't do Art School, kids (print ads).

(click ads, via)
I kind of like this anti-drug parody campaign for the College of Creative Studies in Detroit. It makes art school look even cooler to artsy kids, and it gives parents a smile. I haven't seen many good art school ads over the years; my alma mater, NYC's School of Visual Arts, has been near miss or total miss (mostly total miss) with their self-promo ads. The above campaign is running in the local metro paper and as stills in Detroit movie theaters. Nice job, Team Detroit (the ad agency). Note: the "photoshopping" ad reads like an anti-masturbation PSA.
But seriously kids, don't go to art school. It's a gateway to living with your parents.
I've seen many good art school ads over the years, and I am a creative with 20+ yrs of experience.
Yeah? Let's see.
These are fun. Plays on the stereotype of Art school being a dead end road. As long as the payoff is positive and can overcome this negative parody position then they could be effective towards kids. However, the media is just as important to this message. Are these print ads or online ads? If they're online ads then they could be very effective for click throughs.
Please. The NYC's School of Visual Arts "hit" campaign is no hit at all. If you will be creating a visual arts ad, you need to produce a fetching visual, not some highfalutin copy about misbegotten bird and rabbit. Copy is not important; this is visual arts, not creative writing.
You're right. I didn't really re-read the ads when I linked to them. Updating...
These are the good ones:
I wonder why they don't show any girls with the doodling problem...
Damien Hirst is currently starving in a garret.
Worst advice I ever took was to opt not to study art&design because there was no money in it.
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