Blamer, Fudge do Lunch.

—Steve Blamer, former CEO of ad agency FCB, and Ann Fudge, former CEO of ad agency Y&R, recently had lunch together at an upscale Manhattan restaurant. I paid a waiter to secretly record their conversation. Here's a transcript snippet:
Blamer: "...Tell me about it. The clients never picked the right campaigns, my VPs were lazy shits, and the new business people targeted the completely wrong industries."
Fudge: "Well, at least you got that eight million dollar golden parachute..."
Blamer: "It's seven million..."
Fudge: "Seven, eight, same difference."
More Foote Cone & Belding personnel moves
I like that.
Boy: "Have you ever experienced that 'Not so fresh' feeling down there?"
Father: "Yes son. Every man has."
Boy: "What do you do about it? I mean, mom's pissed because she's had to bleach and scrub four times this week already ... and it's only Monday afternoon."
Father: (chuckling) "Well son, your mom used to get pissed at me all the time to, that is, until I found FudgeBlamer."
Okay, never mind. This one is so stupid it can't be developed anymore. I thought I had something, but I don't. If you've read this far thanks, but this one going into the shit pile.
anon, that made my brain hurt.
Anon's going to put the FudgeBlamer in the ShitPile?
I'm gonna go take a dump in my bed.
anon, instead of telling elaborate jokes that no one gets and aren't funny, try telling shorter, less contrived jokes that everyone gets and are funny.
Just a little free advice from me, the funniest and smartest man in America.
Evil, I resent that comment specifically and you generally.
I was going to start off with, "As one of the few people ever to post a comment in your blog ..."* However, a bit of half-assed research reveals that you actually have a few regulars now.
I agree with you on two fronts:
1)My FudgeBlamer attempt at a MAD TV Spishak commercial didn't work. Obviously the joke tried to recreate a Summer's Eve commercial between father and son and equated men's brown streaked underwear with women's stinky vaginas. There's material and a joke there. I failed to grasp either. (Unlike real life where I've grasped both streaked undies and stinky vaginas.)
2) You are smart and funny. What else but brilliance could wax nauseatingly about a chopped salad experience and top it of by coining a phrase like "wet-ass big-bite salad"?
*(In a post concerning CR you said he had seemingly hairy arms. I said while his ass likely looks like a Captain Caveman plush toy, his arms were merely filled with prison tats.)
clearly, anon, you've never done any research on cr's ass or you'd know better. i have, um, spoken with a lot of people who would know--cell mates, jessica cutler, etc., and his ass isn't hairy, so they have told me. i also read an article that said it was smackdown amazing, though somewhat skinny (Journal of Asses In Advertising xxiv (Winter '05).
this blog lately is like a men's locker room. with two a day, perhaps we could get something ever so slightly girly like the pink rhinestone skittles watch now and then.
Okay archeress. I yield. Do we credit genetics for CR's hairless ass or Nair?
(This is getting kind of gay for me archeress, so this is my final post on the topic.)
PS - I agree with you. We need more of CR's thoughts on girly bits and pieces.
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