Do you want my job? Yesterday on
Gawker, I wrote a semi-serious, bullet-pointed plan on how to get your foot in the door of this unbelievably stupid business (
link). Please note that the last three bullets of the piece were written by somebody at Gawker because, I guess, he/she thought doing so made for a better ending. For previous
Lies Well Disguised, just type those three words up in my search window.
Those last three bullets are terrible. They don't sound like you at all.
Yeah, those last bullets suck. But the comments are good - writing really is the least respected creative field out there. You can be a garbageman and take pictures of the statuettes you build out of dog shit, and you'd get more pu33y than some writer.
hell it's that easy!!! sign me the fuck up!!!
+ That's it. I cannot emphasize the final element enough.
+ Seriously.
+ Okay.
Dude ... I really don't get the point of these last three bullets. Like, they're just irrevocably retarded. That's it. I like, can't emphasize this final element enough. Seriously, dude. Okay?
P.S. Gawker blows. It's just like, snowballing downhill into some unredeemable bullshit. Sorry ... PMS-ing here. That's it. I cannot emphasize the final element enough. Seriously. Okay.
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