copyranter Equine's Posterior Award™.
(from the November 27th, 2006 Fortune)
"Today to be hip, you’ve got to be real..."—David Roman, marketing communications VP, Hewlett-Packard. Congratulations David! (he's responsible for this BS) You're my December 2006 Equine's Posterior Marketing Award winner! (This will be a regular feature from now on, either weekly or monthly. Just look for the chocolate horse's ass)
previously in corporate idiots:
1. ...the difference being his salary is about 6 bucks a second.
2. Jesus Jeans.
3. Jason Binn is a Prick: the evidence.
4. How did Air France become #1 in Europe?
I got a finski says he snaps his fingers every time he says "hip."
How big is that chocolate ass? Big enough to fuck?
that depends on the size of the carrot, anon.
mmmmmmmm. Equine's Posterior Award™.
Definitely worth a special mention for assholicness but also confirmation of a general rule:
talking about advertising to civilians makes you sound like an idiot.
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