Latest American Apparel Ad Posted With Minimal Comment.

I started posting these stark, artless, soulless soft porn ads exactly 20 months ago today. And, well, I just feel like I have to see this seemingly pointless process through to an end—whatever form that end may take. Just FYI: Titsy here apparently incited an angry righteous reader of the Austin Chronicle to take action and mail the paper a Post-It® note of Fury. Addn: for you non-social scientists just interested in a wank, here's more AA Tits (1, 2, 3, 4) and AA Ass (1, 2, 3, 4). (scanned from the back of L) update: go to PollsBoutique to vote "appropriate" or "inappropriate" on this ad.
Every single American Apparel ad I've seen so far makes their clothes appear shapeless, non-fitting, and just generally completely ugly. Is that how they define their brand or what? (I've never been into a store.)
I'd like to add "boring" and "overpriced" to that list...
What exactly is the purpose of a tank thong? It just sounds like a really bad idea to me.
I wonder if they sell her size - of is she's just squeezing into the toddler version.
I also wonder if her back is arched like that because her tank thong is giving her a massive wedgie...
In summer camp, they used to call that, "the atomic wedgie."
I'd fuck her.
“I'd fuck her.”
Ahhh. Now there’s balance in the universe.
As a gentleman of the homosexual persuasion, I know I am neither the target audience for the ads or really qualified to speak authoritatively on the subject of scantily-clad women, but are they really all that hot? The models just seem so grody to me, like they all have really nasty vaginal infections or something from all the tights and tank thongs they wear. That can't be good for the flora of the female pudenda.
Frank, I half agree with you. See, the grodiness of the models is what makes them appealing, really. She's the kind of girl that would - and wants - to fuck you in a back alley.
That said, hot bod aside, her face makes it look like she just lost a hammer fight.
I get that they're trying to create a look and feel for themselves, but who 's going to buy into the ugly, shapeless, creepy, stalker-like, badly-lit, 70s-porn-star, sticking-out-belly, dirty-sanchez look?
The only plus side to the AA ads is they feature girls good enough looking a guy might be able to successfully land them. (mostly because really hot models need not work for AA...)
If you liekd that, check out this French AA ad, they are not even tryign to be coy.
Duh darkurthe, I posted it a week before that:
I can see that, Andrew. But what about the vaginal infections? It can't smell good.
You're right, Frank. I'm getting a yeast infection just looking at this ad. Spandex/Lycra/other tight, non-breathable fabrics are definitely not "good for the flora of the female pudenda." That's why most of us save it for the beach.
this ad is so depressing to look at, she looks pregnant, (or fully constipated), needs money, needs a visit to the doctor, just sad. now i need to look at some photos of Uno to get it out of my mind.
The big boobs, 1st trimester, trailer park look is hot!
Joyce wrote that pornography is an image that inspires the viewer to possess the object represented. By this definition, all advertising is pornography.
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