Keeping It Realtor.
What happens when real estate agents try to get creative? Cringing and wincing. Lots of cringing and wincing. (site) Thanks to Jonathan Ruby for the tip.
What happens when real estate agents try to get creative? Cringing and wincing. Lots of cringing and wincing. (site) Thanks to Jonathan Ruby for the tip. have never seen, nor will you ever see, cooler ads for a travel iron than these. It's the second Weekly Ad Uncoiling. (link)
...a cat croissant or a hamster muffin? Welcome to the first Weekly Ad Uncoiling on Coilhouse. You are seconds away from these wacky digi-visuals, which don't sell handwash very well, but do serve as excellent examples of the over-reliance on Photoshop by today's conceptually-challenged art directors. (link)
Starting later this week and continuing for a few weeks, I will be posting on L.A.-based Coilhouse magazine + blog—"a love letter to alternative culture written in an era where alt culture no longer exists." The column will be titled Weekly Ad Uncoiling. The first issue of their magazine is just out. The wild content includes an exclusive excerpt from science-fiction author Samuel R. Delany's forthcoming novel, and genital origami—close-up pics of a male to female transsexual's manufactured vagina, a "Neovagina." It's an interesting read, pick up a copy.
Last week, Jon Gabrus of the Independent Film Channel's daily Lunchbox Web series, gave me some satisfying video love. Click here to watch. Btw, I didn't tear him "a new taint" because he was obviously fishing for ranting.
UPDATE: I will post in the future to let those of you who care know where else you can find my trainwreck rants. A couple of new opportunities have already been pitched to me.
• Sarah Palin, GOP super-heroine. (link)
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The latest pop-art parody poster by the fake American Apparel ad artist combines those two. And of course where there is lactation, there are nipples. And breasts. (link)
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(click ad for closer look)
You may or may not like these, but I can guarantee you that they'll be the weirdest blue jeans ads you've ever seen. (link)
(click ad for closer look)