Holly's Once, Twice, Three Times A Lady...

First off, it's January 11th. Russian Orthodox Christmas, The last "Christmas" of the season, was last Sunday. So, like, the holidays are FUCKING OVER. Yet, all three of the above showed up this week. Secondly, using non-member nameless bimbettes is acceptably idiotic. But now, True, you're giving fake names to the bimbettes and, even worse, you're rotating different bimbettes into the same lame fake name ad. How bout making up some porn names for your non-member bimbettes? Holly Buddy...Holly Branch...Holly Wood (no, that one's taken)...Holly Daze...Holly Berry...
previously in online dating ads:
1. match.com finally brings the bOObage.
3. so feel free to wear your tightest shorts, ladies.
4. on online dating advertising.
Why are personals sites still targeting men? Isn't there a male to female ratio on personals sites of two-to-one or something like that? It's women they have to target.
I guess it's easy to do; women are more tricky. How are you going to target women? With shoes?
also, members' members lengths & girths.
I ran across one today from True, Maulleigh. It was a five o'clock shadowed urban hipster in a wool hat, staring at me with those empty blue eyes that try to pierce, but only end up saying, "Der."
why do all of them have that pout thing going on? Coal in their...um...stocking?
Maulleigh: Well, it's been a few years since I worked for a personals site, but back then, women were generally given the service for free. Only the men are paying customers. As long as there are enough women to make it look like there are women on the service... who needs more? Hence, the ads target men.
Why did you make me think about this? I feel soiled all over again.
Holly Shit! I hope she likes reindeer enema games.
Lips sensually parted, gloss heavily applied, eyes staring straight down the lens (but never in an intimidating way) = mens' dicks logging into True and supplying a credit card. Ick.
one of those chicks is in czech porns. i've seen her.
I love your ranting, I mean writing. Glad I stumbled on this. And if you hate online dating as much as I do, click on over to braindancing.
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