This public service message brought to you by the Perfect Celebrity Mothers of Park Slope (PCMPS).
Frequent copyranter contributor brandspankin' snapped this gem of a Public Service subway poster recently. The 2nd and 3rd ads in the campaign would be:
previously in NYC subway finds:
1. worse than confusing.
2. The MTA needs our 16 million eyes.
3. conEdison. FULL OF IT.
4. Worst. Anthropomorphism. EVER.
That baby looks possessed. Does it have a lizard's tongue?
I prefer mine stirred anyhow.
I'd shake that fuckin' baby. Shake it real hard I would. Shake that fuckin' baby, shake it like Natalie Wood.
Don't Shake a Baby!!??? Ad, where were you twenty five years ago??!!
A message obviously aimed at the mixed race couple bohemian demographic. Very progressive. Very hip. Very Park Slope.
I see these ads all the time -- I think they're plastered on the Franklin Ave shuttle train. There are ads like, "Never leave your baby alone in the bathtub," and they're in Spanish, too. Park Slope tryin' to preach to Prospect Heights.. shut it, self-righteous moms.
wow. do we really need posters telling us not to shake babies?
more childrearing tips for the dysfunctional/abusive parent....
limit your vodka intake while nursing
close the bedroom door when turning tricks during after school hours
Never mike a baby. Well, you could, just use wax paper so you don't have to clean the top. (The top is hard to clean, c'mon. Gotta turn the thing on its side, door swings shut on your hand. what a pain.)
Reminds me of a PSA that ran in DC when I was a kid, designed to bring attention to lead based paint that kids were apparently eating.
Ghetto apartment, crib next to a wall of peeling paint. Soulful singer intones:
Paint chips peelin'
and my baby's dead
My baby's dead
never make a baby
Only idiots shake babies.
Much better to use a blender. Add ice and a strawberry. Mmmmm.
I don't understand one word you said. Mike?
Who wrote this campaign? Cartman?
dd- Nuke. As in Microwave.
Never Sanchez a baby.
Unless, of course, it's all, like, sexy and askin' for it.
If you can't shake the baby, how will you know if the rattle works? How?
That is one ugly baby. Seinfeld-episode ugly.
you guys are mean and sick. that's a nice baby.
Oh CR! You are so cute!
Archeress is a lucky gal, indeed.
This may be funny to y'all but the last time my mother-in-law was visiting, I had my brother-in-law's daughter in my arms under the ceiling fan and she said, "Do not raise the child into the ceiling fan", so I guess I'm just saying this campaign infuriates me.
Never Dry a Wet Baby in a Microwave.
Oh come on! Sometimes it's the only way to stop them bawling.
...and always point a baby away from yourself and others when opening it.
Or maybe that was champagne. I always get those two confused.
Can I deep fry a baby?
Oh I just laughed so hard from these comments I had real tears not the usual crocodile ones.
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