(nsfw) Is this the most blatantly sexist ad ever produced?

• this one here.
• this UK shoe ad.
• this US fashion ad.
• this Greek BMW ad.
• this Indian candy ad.
• this Czech beer spot.
• this US Huffy bikes ad.
• this Italian tampon ad.
• this American server ad.
• this Bulgarian vodka ad.
• this Israeli bookstore ad.
• these Israeli Bacardi ads.
• these Singapore beer ads.
• this Singapore skin cream ad.
• this Belgian dating site video.
• this Chilean menstrual pills ad.
• these German Men's Health ads.
• this Canadian car dealership ad.
• and, my choice, the BK blow job ad from Singapore.
Tough call. I'd have to say the Singapore beer ad takes the cake though. It just makes you lose all faith in man (generic, but obviously primarily the masculine side).
the bookstore re implying stupidity and the fact that the 'ah ha' moment is 'women are dump'
a lot of them just refer to sex in a funny way slightly degrading way, which isn't really bad at all if the target at adults..
Add this one to the list: http://themoderatevoice.com/36686/burger-kings-new-ad-a-new-low-in-vulgar-ads-aimed-at-young-customers/
Embarrassingly, also from Singapore. Yeah, my countrymen scare me.
I think it's a tie between the 'american server' and 'singapore beer'.
Can someone explain how the Italian ad is being sexist?
The blow up doll one is the most offensive to my sense of sexism, however I'm not a woman so there is that.
The thing about that ad is that it really is based on the idea of an objectified subordinate as being a great thing - which is pretty offensive - and then couples it with the sex issue, since at the end, it is just men standing around having a good time. So yeah I think it goes the extra mile - others may be in poor taste or humorously done (such as the BMW ad, because deflating the deflowering myth is actually treating the two sexes more equally)but the Czech one insults with a real fervor.
I agree Pieter, that is the clear winner (loser).
Or this Folgers commercial
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