The Human Train Wreck.

There is one possibility you seem to be overlooking -- namely, that some of us read Copyranter's blog precisely because "it sucks."
Just as we are compelled by morbid curiosity to slow down and stare at a horrific accident, so too are we irresistibly drawn to the witless ramblings of this train wreck of a human being.
In terms of someone baring their twisted, twitching psyches for all the world to see, it's on a par with watching the likes of Jerry Lewis or Liza Minnelli self-destruct on "Larry King Live."
Assuming the smug, assholier-than-thou attitude favored by any hipster wanna-bes with a blog, our esteemed host takes cheap shots at the easiest of targets. A scathing critique of another lame diamond ad or another insipid airline tagline? How daring!
But for all the hate-filled invective he spews, the only one he succeeds in humiliating is himself.
It's fitting how he professes to hate advertising -- because it's self-important, self-hating poseurs like him who exemplify everything that's wrong with this business.
For connoisseurs of the tragically deluded, it's a veritable four-course feast.
And yet. . .
Despite my harsh words, I don't hate Copyranter. I just feel sorry for him. He is clearly bitter and miserable. (Hey, I can relate: Advertising can do that to a person.)
Deep down -- or maybe not so deep down -- he's probably not a bad guy.
I know you don't want my pity, CR, but I do wish you well. I hope you find some happiness in this life.
(I like this train wreck because it's one train and no other trains were damaged.)