(click ad, scanned from
ESPN magazine) Curve for men is a 14-year-old Liz Claiborne cologne being reintroduced in recent men's pubs. The ad, art directed to look like a magazine cover, sports winking subheads: "cars, girls and girls on cars" and such (
sigh). Yet, of course, it also still features the expected bosomy model, a Megan Fox doppelgänger (I'm assuming it's not her) named "Ima Vixen." You discover her stupid fake name when you go to the getcurve
website, which was on the first version of this ad but is absent here for some reason and also doesn't show up when you google search "curve for men." At the site, you can view more slutty pics of "Ima," but if you make the mistake of clicking on her "likes/dislikes" tab, exactly 29 "blahs" materialize. How fucking clever. So, to answer my headline: WORSE.
seven Axe Ads in one post.