Cosmic Blob Supplants Donnie Deutsch's Ego As Largest Thing In The Known Universe.

(AP)—After "careful and repeated measuring," a large amoeba-like structure made up of galaxies and gas bubbles has been found to exceed the size of adman Donnie Deutsch's ego, scientist Ryosuke Yamauchi from Tohoku University claims.
The Lyman alpha blob ranges some 200 million light years across, compared to 198 million for Deutsch's ego.
"We were very skeptical, naturally" said Yamauchi about the finding. "We have been scouring the four corners of the universe with our Subaru and Keck telescopes for a decade seeking something bigger than this man's ego. To find this size of a blob is nothing short of a miracle."
Deutsch could not be reached for comment.
(story link)
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