Friday, October 30, 2009
copyranter on ANIMAL NY:

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Floating (Congressional Committee) Head.
I wonder how many hands this thing mangled?

Here's something I have hardly anything bad to say about.

(click image) It's an efficient idea for advertising fuel efficiency. To promote the new Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion, DDB in Berlin stamped the map portion of 5,000 Euro banknotes of various denominations with matching route lengths showing how far you could go for your money. The notes were put into circulation at German VW dealers and service shops. Yes, it is an example of Ad Creep, which I usually deride. But this defacing of banknotes isn't so evil. And it's informative (image via). Previously in VW ads: Classic. Sexist. Terrible. And zany (the Peter Stormare GTI spots).
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
copyranter on ANIMAL NY: Kosovo.

Boxer Chokes Chicken.

(click ad) Ad is for Hundforum dog care in Stockholm. "What's your dog up to when it's home alone?" Well, Paco (that's his name) is surfing puppy porn on an ancient Macintosh, that's what. Ain't no way boy's gonna get quality streaming doggystyle videos on that thing. The wadded up TP is overkill, just the roll would have been fine, thanks (image via). Previously in dog product advertising: Cool. Funny. Evil. Macabre.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Nonsensical Sexuality Of The Week.
A little exhibitionism. A little Sapphicism. And a little knee lick-ism. Is that the woman's twin watching her (incest-ism!)? Or is she watching herself? Anyway, spot for new Loewe fragrance Aire Loco, via Spain. SEX. Agency unknown, via. Previously in perfume advertising: Phew! York. Sarah Jessica Parker's girlie-but-edgy Covet. Love's Baby Soft's child porn ad. 1972—MaGriffe unliberates the liberated woman.
New Mexico's Children, Youth and Families Dept. renames state "Jurkistan."

(click ads) Ha? New Mexico apparently has a high rate of domestic violence. "It's the way men are here," reads the copy (you have to read the copy to fully take this campaign in) But these print ads—created by a two-person agency in Minneapolis—for the CYFD of New Mexico, are pretty damn bizarre. And insulting! Both to New Mexicans and to all countries that end in -stan. Yes, they're riffing off the barbaric treatment of women in many Muslim countries. But, don't let the Jurks win? YIKES! Tonally off a bit, maybe? The phone number is the real one for the organization, so I'm assuming the ads are legit (images via and via, thanks to John for the tip). Previous stops on the Domestic Violence Awareness Ad Tour: China. China again. Berlin. Lisbon. Lisbon again. The UK. Rhode Island. And New York City.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Just a reminder: Swine Flu also spreads via f*cking.

(click ad) Previously, Y&R Buenos Aires used boning skeletons to scare-sell Tulipan brand condoms. Headline here: "Keep taking care." So, let me take the stupid step of trying to decipher this visual literally. These two young men are engaged in a three-way with a woman who has the sniffles, or maybe something worse? So, in addition to Tulipan rubbers on their peckers, they're using her bra as a mask. This really limits the sexual position possibilities. Also, no oral for the poor female. OR: one (or both) of the dudes is a cross-dresser, and they're giving each other handjobs (image via). To view some of the many prophylactic ads I've diagnosed with the same professionalism over the last 4+ years, click here and here.
Miller Lite throws cape on bottle to create laziest Halloween ad imaginable.

copyranter on ANIMAL NY: Snickers.

The Trib: Guardian of Gotham.

(click ads) Like every major metropolitan newspaper, the now bankrupt Chicago Tribune has reduced staff drastically over the last few years. But they're going down punching wildly, at least judging by these self-promotional ads by Toronto (?) ad agency Juniper Park tagged "Covering the stories you need to know." While the art direction is attractive, the headlines are clunky and weak and—particularly the Batman-riffing one—come off as gratingly pompous. Especially considering that they're for The Trib, not exactly, reputation-wise, America's juggernaut of print journalism (images via). Previously in newspaper/magazine self-promo ads/stunts: The Economist. The Economist again. The Guardian. Business Week. FHM India. FHM Germany. And the New York Times.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Mediaite enthusiastically fellates copyranter.

Canada fights global warming with mild sarcasm.
"Canada's greenhouse gases are going up. In fact, they've gone up more than any other G8 country...Find out if a Canadian vacation in the new warmer Canada is right for your family." Visit the Canadian Tourism Federation. (agency unknown, via). Previously in global warming awareness advertising: global warming logos—from bad to brainless. Stay cool, planet killers. How to advertise global warming awareness on YouTube. Absolut solves global warming with a big tray of ice cubes.
Jesus gangsta, haven't the Mets had a tough enough year?

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Amelia Earhart chain-smoked her way across the North Atlantic.

copyranter on ANIMAL NY: Spore toys.

(NSFW) Apparently In Slovenia, all billboards have boobs.

Related: the Human Dickwad.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Hey Symantec, did you approve this ad by Leo Burnett Milan?

FedEx creates pathetic-looking hockey rink package.

(click ad) I love ice hockey and I hate business packages. So combining the two leaves me feeling absolutely nothing. (ad by BBDO Toronto, image via). Previously in hockey-related advertising: Tie Domi's pink Leafs jersey. Sean Avery dons a Gap sweater. Calgary Flames playoff ads come back to burn them.
This is f*cking ridiculous.
It's a forty buck fucking footboard. "You'll soon be experiencing a G-rush with the GThrust," says spokesbimbo Hilary. Watch as models Sarah and Dustin try to keep straight faces while fake fucking with a fucking swing set seat attached to their feet. AAAAAH (takes breath) HAHAHAHAHA (via). Previously in sex toys: Gilbert Gottfried for the Fleshlight. Yoba erotic toy ads with vibrating photos of women. Vienna sex shop window display: dildos in a fish tank.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
NSFW! Is this the most insane TV spot ever produced?
It's via Russia, specifically the city of Novokuznetsk, for some company named Vikam, a seller of work clothes and boots, I think? Just watch it, and give me your artistic interpretations in the comments, Fellinis. Look for the completely naked blonde with the baby harp seal coming out of her chest (via).
Previously: Here's a What The FUCK? ad roundup.
Monday, October 19, 2009
If she bats her lashes at you, she'll smother you.

(click ads) Cousin Itt lashes. Jesus, these are trippy. At least Leo Burnett in Warsaw, Poland didn't go with the usual approach of a close-up photo of a pretty celeb spokesmodel's peepers. And the campaign, for Max Factor's Masterpiece Max mascara, just won a "Golden Drum" from some ad awards show in Slovenia. Which means absolutely nothing to me. Anyway, what do you think, ladies: are they more appealing than this pink girlie Covergirl mascara ad via Argentina (images via)?
Man, woman getting it on. Man takes phone call. So woman f*cks man's pants. Man left to smell pants.
Get a good whiff, Herr Dummkopf, that'll teach you. Spot for Berlin online clothing retailer Von Rosen (warning annoying as fuck music at website). Stupidly tagged, "when your style does the job." Should have been devoid of copy. Agency: elbkind in Hamburg. Via. Previously in super-sexualized clothing adverts: Diesel. Tom Ford. Duncan Quinn. John White. And, American Apparel.
1969—Sex Sells Sodium Bicarbonate.

Previously in Sex Sells Unsexy Products: Method floor cleaner. Heinz Soup. Widex hearing aids. Rachachuros meat seasoning.
copyranter on ANIMAL NY: UK anti-cocaine spots.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Big tobacco company urges Indonesians to be their daring black-body alter egos.
Well, this takes the Vogue black face controversy to a different level. Maybe there's something, culturally, that I'm missing here? Anyway, Sampoerna, Indonesia's largest tobacco company (97.95%-owned by Philip Morris parent Altria), wanted—like all tobacco companies—to attract younger smokers. This :90 spot, by ad agency Bates 141, is the result. The spot is tagged "Go Ahead" with the "A" being the recognizable logo for the company's most popular clove cigarettes. From Bates 141's YouTube page description:
"...todays young adult Indonesians, our targets, want to be the actors of their life and stay true to their self. They are doers who dont want to be in the same position as the older generation. They aspire to have a different narration and fight to achieve their ambition and dreams they are a generation of starters who take action while others are waiting. They are todays modern heroes the action generation. Brand A is the pioneering, daring spirit of progressive Indonesia. And thats why Brand A is by their side as they Go Ahead."
You'll note that the better halves are slimmer and happier and crazier and, well, very very black. Like a lifelong smoker's lungs? Just imagine the outrage in the US or the UK. And hey, wait a minute! Back in 1930, Lucky Strike presented smokers' black doppelgängers as evil fatties (via). Previously: anti-tobacco ad round-up.
copyranter on ANIMAL NY: Voodoo Doughnuts.

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Fake stunt video of the week: Grand Shoes.
Sweden's Grand Shoes is an online shoe store that only carries big sizes. Within the rapidly burgeoning fake stunt video ad genre, this is quite lame. At least it's short and painless (even for the puppy, probably). By McCann in Malmö, Sweden, via. Previous Fake Stunt Videos: IBM. MTV. Diesel. Ray-Ban. Ray-Ban again.
copyranter on ANIMAL NY: Buygone ad—Drano.

Philippine Airlines presents your Mile High Club menu.

The latest from American Apparel's crack ad team.

(click ads) L—New ad from the UK edition of Vice (England's ASA ban tk) featuring Brittney and her ass crack in a lace body suit. R—New ad from Salt Lake City Weekly (Mormon outrage tk) featuring Eliana and her very prominent ass crack in fancy panties. Cracking good advertising creative directed by the pants-optional CEO, of course. (images via). Previously in: American Apparel ad ass crack. Non-American Apparel ad ass crack.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Jude Law has horny drunk Russian women up a tree.

Image via:
Because that's the one thing beefy bratwurst-snarfing buffoons need to score tail: more protein.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
copyranter on ANIMAL NY: Chronic'Art

Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Italian jeans help attract hot chicks, solve world crises.

(click ads) Meltin Pot jeans (bastardized René Descartes tagline: I dream. I am.), via Italian agency Armando Testa, again tries the nonsensical sell made a cliche by fellow Italian fashion label Diesel. While I love hot women in lingerie and pig masks as much as the next man/lesbian, making light of catastrophic financial meltdowns and tragically inadequate healthcare whilst hawking hundred dollar cotton pants doesn't achieve an attractive senseless tone for me. Also, the layouts are just trying too hard to be quirky (images via).
Friday, October 09, 2009
Your Retro Racist Ad Of The Week.

Ad from around 1940 (judging by the William Shirer reference at the bottom) for 97% caffeine-free Sanka. That's quite the beezness transaction story, right Lou Dobbs (via)? Previously in: Retro Racist Ad Of The Week: Barbie. Budweiser.
Thursday night is Ladies Pokies Night.