click image, via) Bench copy translation:
NON-WHITES. Have a seat Nelson Mandela! Just a little ribald racist ambient advertising for
Tropitone sunless bronzer via Johannesburg ad agency
morrisjones. From the agency press note:
"In order to stand out in a new era, we tactically spray-painted benches in public areas with the words "Nie Blankes" (Non-Whites)—a symbol typical to that of the old South Africa. Being such a strong symbol, it not only grabbed the attention of passers-by, but made a very strong impact. With the product logo spray-painted onto the concrete at the bottom of the bench, it is very evident that thanks to the efficacy of the product, you will no longer have white skin."
(Searches mind for thoughts to help mitigate the idiocy of this idea. Finds none.)
Previously in:
Racist Ads.
Previously in:
Retro Racist Ads.