Link Haze, 2/29/08.

• Speaking of Douchebags, go play GiggleSugar's fun Who's Douchier? game. (link)
• Speaking of the Gene Simmons (publicity stunt) sex tape, here's an excellent review of it. (link)
• cp+b (horses' asses) just won the $300 mil+ Microsoft account. I think we can safely say the creative work will improve a tad. (link)
• AT&T billboard hijacked by civil liberty fighters. (link)
• Amex foists Diane von Furstenberg gibberish on credit-crunched consumers. (link)
• Speaking of fashion brands, here's a few iconic logos made out of cocaine. (link)
• Do you know what tomorrow is? It's St. Patrick's Day! Well, in Hoboken (where I lived for years) it is! If you're so inclined, hop on the PATH—you will not find a higher Mook concentration within a square mile in the history of humanity. (link)
• Annoying ubiquitous NYC "Philosophy" subway poster abused. (link)
• Ronald Reagan, Chesterfields shill ("I, I don't recall that."). (link)
• From Florida adman Jetpacks: VW bus limo (link); the Quaker oats Quaker gets a Quakeover (link); and how art directors should do Hawaiian Shirt Fridays (link).
• GI Joes defeat squirrel. (link)
• The Pepsi logo is to become the world's biggest, ugliest ferris wheel in the middle of the swampy New Jersey meadowlands. (link)
• Monkey does handstand on tightrope-walking goat. (link)
• The hardest working graying, balding black man in advertising. (link)
• David Beckham endorses Sharpie® pens. Which makes perfect sense when—since coming to America to personally save U.S. Soccer—he has played about 10 minutes of football while signing about 160 million autographs. (link)
• Finally, Chocolate Dick Hats. (link)