Tuesday, July 31, 2007
copyranter's pick for 2007 ad Emmy.

Anyway, my pick out of the nominees is this Cingular spot. It's not the most "creative" of the spots—the Coke "Happiness Factory" gets that nod from me. But if you can't do a creative commercial for a soda, you need to be in another line of work. Cell phone spots, however, are tough, and almost universally suck ass. But this one stands out as actually being original. BTW, it's by those bloated fucks at BBDO. And speaking of not being able to do a creative spot for a soda, the nominated Pepsi spot, also by BBDO, just absolutely blows.
previously in ads I like:
1. Snickers Halloween ad.
2. Old Spice freakish Anglerfish ad.
3. Iggy Pop for John Varvatos.
4. over-caffeinated cheerleader for T-Mobile.
5. Peter Stomare for VW.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Send me good tips, or I will stab these kittens & puppies.

Don't get me wrong. You people are doing a decent job—better and better each week. Your tips now account for about a third of my posts. But I would like to see that fraction pushed up to at least a half. So keep 'em coming, or I will grab a Henckels. You already know my position on babies.
update: yes, this used to be a row of babies. But, as was pointed out to me by a very influential person in my life, that was a little dark, even for me.
update #2: OK, after consulting my trusted advisor once more, I have found a happy medium between babies and stuffed animals. Also, I will not be posting today (Tuesday) until I get a good tip.
(my lame, half-hearted homage to National Lampoon.)
previously in reader-generated content:
1. tips are always appreciated.
2. google image search: commenter.
3. Someone Talked, round 1.
4. what a DICKWAD.
5. we are all bOObs.
Bow to your cotton khaki-panted Master.

The cubicle slave farm? Amy found this Intel ad at penciledn.com—and I, for one, am outraged at the tech company for implying that, without their Core™2 Duo Processor, I am a slow white man (even if it is true). Fellow Crackers? I am calling for a boycott of all Intel products. Join me, in this noble fight against reverse racism!
ad agency: those Liars at McCann.
crn picked up on the ad.
previously in race in advertising:
1. Nice package!
2. R&R, minus R&B.
3. Diversity has a mascot.
4. TimeWarner hires white killers, white freaks...
5. AdAge's White Christmas.
The Grand Ba Ba, the Ascended Master of Cleaning.
(spied by the archeress on 185th and Ft. Washington Ave.)
previously in NYC street ads:
1. HOO-AH!!! i-banking boot camp.
2. The TriBeCa Horror Film Festival.
3. Punk Rock Guitar Whines of Whiny UWS Punks.
4. It IS hard for black kids to fit in on the UWS.
5. The Trans Fat War Turns Childish.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Link Haze, 7/27/07.

• Highly reliable news source Pravda (Truth!) claims that another human civilization may be living inside Earth's core. Morlocks? (link)
• An Israeli toy company apparently adopts 9/11 imagery (right) to sell model planes. Cute! (link)
• Orville Deadenbacher now also dead. Good. (link)
• Are you hard-wired to God? it's a fishy Christian-approved electrical contractor ad. (link)
• Finally, the 100 worst places to die, via Radar. You'll find a couple that'll make you cringe. (link)
Thursday, July 26, 2007
C'mon C'mon...SEE IT SEE IT. C'mon C'mon...SEE Tha Solution!

previously in corporate idiocy:
1. M&Ms, for Business.
2. 3rd ad of the campaign: Fo Shizzle My Nizzle.
3. Super Duper Double Extra Strength Ziploc!!!
4. Murdering Cereal with Marketing.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
How's this for a headline that makes you wanna Just Do It?

Pearl Izumi, owned by Nautilus, is a 50-year-old Japanese company best known for its competition biking apparel. Running shoe-wise, they are small-time in the USA. They recently began a print campaign in Runner's World tagged with the website wearenotjoggers.com. By bashing "joggers" in what is the monthly bible for runners, they are certainly preaching to the choir. The macabre headline stops you in your tracks, and and the even more macabre copy keeps you there. It's the anti-Run Easy. But does it inspire trial, or just simply make you feel better about being a "runner?" I believe the latter. But, if I didn't yet know the Pearl Izumi name, I know it now. I guess that's something. Only in a deeply-read niche magazine like RW could the company get away with placing an ad with no logo, and such small type on their sign-off. (this a low rez scan of the ad; the copy is much clearer in the magazine.)
update: commenter says campaign is by my friends at the factory, cp+b.
(tip from Flannery McKenna at icontent.tv. ad jpg grabbed from a cnbc blurb about the campaign.)
previously in shoe ads:
1. Kenneth Cole loses yet another battle in War on Words.
2. ALDO's rhetorical question.
3. Reebok running shoes help prevent puking.
Biggest paper in world's second largest country loves copyranter!

Edge. Dull.

(click ads to read headlines)
X-Games 13 starts next week. Asstastic!!! And Edge is an official sponsor—because, they're edgy, dudes. And, I guess, to mimic the stereotypical lazy persona of sk8ter boyz, the ad peeps, like, laid down some Xtremely languid language (almost as languid as this) that lamely ties Edge products to the action by the loosest of thread-age. "Cooling conditioners as invigorating as shredding pipe?" Welcome to the Zzzz Games, bro. Why don't you, like, go sponsor Senior Golf, Granddad? (note the expert product-holding technique of the models)
(ads appeared as consecutive pages in the latest ESPN magazine)
previously in specious sports marketing:
1. Reebok running shoes help prevent puking.
2. Johnnie Walker. Official sports drink of the New York Yankees.
3. Head & Shoulders draws dandruff-like pass play in man's hair.
4. Urnie Banks (snicker)?
5. New York Knicks: Experience It. "It" being Misery.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Lies Well Disguised, #42.

...because eating PB&J sandwiches does nothing to lessen the anger?

This 'sandwich as shrink' message might play OK out in the hinterlands, farmboys, but not in fucking New York fucking City. Why pay a therapist, Mr Green Jeans? Let me tell you why, hayseed: because this Big Evil Fucking City finds its way into every crevice of your fucking brain, knocking on every fucking door—including that of your "inner child"—and if you don't answer, it either seeps through the cracks or it just breaks the fucking door down, giving you panic attacks, or Bipolar Disorder or maybe Schizophrenia. And to deal with this, you want me to eat a fucking sandwich? Yeah a PB&L(ithium) sandwich, maybe.
Also, I just gotta say, the sandwich here is very unappetizing-looking (click it).
previously in food:
1. McDonald's complete bullshit nutrition ad.
2. Supermodels for Trans Fat.
3. America will not "Feel Like Chicken Tonight."
4. The Spider-Man Three™ Cheeseburger.
Times Square now a different kind of scary.
(click images for close-up scariness)
For two years back in the late 80s, I walked through Times Square twice a day on the way to and from my proofreading job at an accounting firm. I saw rush-hour muggings, hideous hookers pulling up skirts to expose vaginal regions, and guys jerking off on the sidewalks in front of the plentiful smut palaces. While I don't really long for those halcyon days, I don't dig the new tourist-friendly Times Square, either. The bad-walking tourists themselves are bad enough, but the video ad billboards are really disturbing—in particular the above screen on the M&Ms World store. This green M&M chick (or, I guess, guy wearing guy-liner and green lipstick) makes bedroom eyes at you, her/his eyes blinking and following you as you walk by. She/he/it is truly creepy.
previously in Times Square ads:
1. Coming in 2012: The Target® Freedom Tower.
2. The importance of Times Square billboard juxtaposition.
3. Hey, where's her iPod?
Monday, July 23, 2007
And Now He's Dead: The Balvenie Weenie®.

(all Balvenie scotch ads scanned from the Wall Street Journal)
(while I never say never, this likely concludes the Balvenie Weenie® thread.)
Hey, where's her iPod?
previously in midtown NYC:
1. The Great Wall of New York.
2. President Clinton has never looked better.
3. 30 mannequin legs. One insane store.
4. David Blaine Bubble™ merchandising opportunities.
5. Heatherette's diarrhea-fighting shoe.
Who can tell me the one word you don't want to see as you're queuing up to board an American Airlines jet at Chicago's O'Hare airport?

(click image to see where your plane might crash)
Yep. When a plane blows up due to a terrorist bomb, or simply crashes/obliterates, "explosion" is indeed an understated term to describe the horrific event. "Fireball" or "Maelstrom" or "Ka-Fucking-Boom!" fit the occasion much better. Now, combine this headline with an overhead map shot, and Blam-O!—it's a perfect firestorm of a hellish airport wall ad. Yay Nortel! Smart piece of communication placement from the Communications company (emailed by Gina).
previously in bad ad placement:
1. Fendi No. 5?
2. India.Arie Port-o-Potty wrap.
3. Smart media placement, Starbucks (idiots).
4. Coming in 2012: The Target® Freedom Tower.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Link Haze, 7/20/07.

• An animatic of Snuggle (shudder) dancing to some Trance(ish). The evil icon makes its appearance at about the 18 second mark. I prefer it motionless and, even better, headless (link).
• Gabriel Delahaye, who writes The Unethicist column Mondays on Gawker, and who keeps an online "diary" at corporate-casual.com, and who is a funny and fine looking young man, closely examines a subway ad for the new Bravo show, "Flipping Out" (link).
• Boomers, creative revolutionaries that they are, are the most prolific emoticon users (link).
• Bill Green at MakeTheLogoBigger is on some sort of Brand Tour, the thought of which makes me shake a little. Here, a Big & Tall store hedges (link).
• WhereIsMyJetpack turns a Blogger verification jumble into a Brand (link).
• Some serious black comedy via Japan sells life insurance. (link).
Bud's flash card ad to three-year-olds.

(click to read better. this may very well be the stupidiest ad I've ever seen.)
(scanned from the back of the Siren Music Festival guide)
previously in stupid Bud ads:
1. Bud tells Gays OK to be Gay.
2. USA soccer advertising as creative as USA soccer team.
3. Taglines are DUMB: Bud Select.
4. 1934 Bud ad: Darker. No, make him DARKER.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
New Absolut Ads Absolutly Average.

Seriously, how do you follow up one of the most successful ad campaigns ever (though there certainly were stinkers)? Well, you don't do anything original and fresh, obvs! Place product name in existing colloquial phrase, use overused "ideal world" visual trickery, nestle product shot in lower right corner, and voila!—safe mild entertainment! (here's three more print executions.)
The ad at right was placed in Angeleno magazine, part of the Binn-clone Modern Luxury cluster of useless Lux Mags. In my Absolut world, the San Andreas Fault would split open and swallow this neighborhood.
I do like this TV spot from the campaign, though. Beautifully shot.
(campaign via the TBWA part of TBWA/Chiat/Day New York, Absolut's long-time agency, of course.)
American Apparel phones it in.

(click ad to, well, I guess see how opaque the tights are, you pervs)
In the next ad, AA will just go ahead and forget the tights.
Time for a recap: First, they "cleverly" played with "Hiking." Then, they did some crack. Next, they left off letters from product names. After that, it was fetish overload. And lastly, simulated(?) masturbation. Now, I guess the "creative director" is on vacation? Well at least they remembered the logo.
(scanned from the back of this week's the L magazine)
other American Apparel ads:
1. Girls vs. Boys.
on Complex: Sporting A Woody.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Taglines are DUMB: #12—unadulterated bullshit claim edition.

(I often use Mitchum)
This is a retired tagline; Mitchum has since moved on to that banal "Mitchum Man" stuff. But, I could not let this underhanded underarm hooey just evaporate into marketing history. Let me first say, that I am not a big sweater. For a guy, I am relatively clean and non-smelling. Mitchum has worked well for me; at the end of the day, I'm usually in pretty good pit shape. BUT even in the dead of winter, there's no way in Hell ANY deodorant/antiperspirant product is still working a day later. No Fucking Way. What the fuck do we even have an FDA for?
previous taglines are DUMB:
2. Expect Everything.
3. Word Hard. Fly Right.
4. the worst car taglines.
5. KOOL. Be True.
6. New York Knicks. Experience IT.
8. Johnnie Walker. Keep Walking.
9. That's Marshall's Law.
10. My favorite dumb tagline ever.
Lies Well Disguised, #41.

"Floors so clean, you can eat [your wife] off of them!"

(click ad for clearer view)
"...do the mommy-daddy dance right on the floor." So, yes. Say it yet again with me, students: 'Sex can be used to sell anything.' Even, non-toxic floor cleaning products. Bypassing the insipid headline and edgy copy, let's go right to the website, where method calls their o-mop™ (above, leaning seductively against the wall with a come-hither look) "hip and sexy." Apparently, the "o" stands for "orgasm." They also sell aroma rings that look like cock rings. And, a couple of pages feature frisky naked people cleaning. (sigh) Try try try all you want method, but cleaning ain't Cool. Cleaning ain't Sexy. (Ad placed in—get this—Parents magazine, and emailed to me by Brent Anderson from bernstein-rein.)
previously in SEX in ads:
1. American Apparel thread.
2. Actually, it's a raging Chubb.
3. 'Dis is how they do subliminal advertising in Queens.
4. You've Cum A Long Way, Baby.
5. "C'mon baby, it's low in calories."
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
previously in stupid marketing moves:
1. Increase your carbon cockprint.
2. enviga. worse than confusing.
3. Coming Soon: The Glute Ottoman.
4. Super Duper Double Extra Strength Ziploc!
5. M&Ms for business.
6. Cerealism.
Introducing the "Whooooa Baby!" tampon.

I am not a woman. I do not have a vagina. However, I have lived—and am living—with a woman. And I have observed that, during menstruation, women are generally not in a mood to do handstands (wonder what Kotex Ko would have to say about that?). BUT, this is not for me, a man, to say for sure. Ladies, do you believe that a new tampon—Tampax's biggest upgrade EVER! could make you shout "Whooooa baby?" (note, four o's). Yes or No?
(ad from August Glamour, emailed by Blaize Wilkinson)
previously in women:
1. Labiaplasty ad with hilarious typos.
2. Pink NHL jerseys.
3. Meet Ko, the Krazy eyeless Kotex icon.
4. Samsung commits an innuendon't.
5. Butch Cassidy sez: Bang your husband. Eat your greens.
The first ad campaign I ever did.

Monday, July 16, 2007
185th Street, Washington Heights, NYC, 6:38am.
previously in NYC streets:
1. NYC graffiti I understand, example #2.
2. NYC graffiti I understand, example #1.
3. HOO-AH!!!
4. The "Target" Bus.
5. The Headless Saint of Broadway.
6. Punk Rock Guitar Whines of Whiny UWS Punks.
It's time for another round of—WTF?

The above images are:
a) stills from a new NYC performance troupe called Blue(ish) ManWoman Group.
b) the cast of an experimental gonzo porno called The Blue Contortionists.
c) human logos for a dermatology company.
d) overzealous Smurf fans.
(tip from Michael Cesari)
previously in WTF:
2. the rolling grass thing.
3. Strange ad image of the week.
4. unfortunately, these are not your grandfather's underpants.
She Guevara's Fashionista Diaries.

(tip from JJ, the Mag Hag)
previously in fashion is stupid:
1. Introducing the most Douche ever splattered on a Polo shirt.
2. DIESEL woos fcuk hoi polloi.
3. Gays don't shop Daffy's.
4. To fight diarrhea, Heatherette designs shoe that looks like clown diarrhea.
5. Dakota Fanning for Marc Jacobs.
6. Jigga gettin' all "A River Runs Through It" on us.
7. Jimmy Choo. Shoes to die for.
8. Sailing with Carson & Justin.
9. Cotton Inc. doll ads thread.
Put that in your tailpipe and inflate it.

(click image for clearer view)
2008 Summer Olympics host China is desperately trying to reduce its wickedly unhealthy levels of air pollution, lest the marathon runners hack up lungs mid-race. To support the country's too little, too late effort, the World Wildlife Fund recently kicked off a 20 to 20 campaign (20 ways everyone can save energy on a daily basis) with the above tailpipe installation. It's a cute, impressive image, but how much of an effect do you think it will really have on the world's fastest-growing auto market?
(scanned from the latest Intersection magazine)
previously in auto ads:
1. dis is how they do subliminal advertising in Queens.
2. Car Dealer Ads are gifts from Satan.
3. The Car as Cock.
4. Taglines are DUMB: NYC Auto Show edition.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Link Haze, 7/13/07.

• GEICO scores again: I LOVE the kid (L) who plays go-cart driver Warren Wallace, "3rd cousin, once removed," of Geico-sponsored NASCAR racer Mike Wallace. "I'll put him in the wall!" (link).
• 40 bucks for a bottle of water, and it's not from the Fountain of Youth (link).
• Well-circulated Sisley ad with models sniffing drug-like dress. Note the spelling of "Fashioin" [like "heroin," get it?] (link).
• I agree with Consumerist: that new Visa spot makes me want to go all Fight Club on them and blow up their fucking headquarters (link).
• Terrorist organization logos. Lots of stars and circles (link).
Well SHUT MY MOUTH, I like another ad.
(click image) Paging through the book of 2007 Kelly Award winners (outstanding magazine advertising), I came upon this fun Halloween ad for Snickers. It connects both on a creepy and emotional level. Does it sell candy? I don't eat the stuff, so I couldn't tell you. The ad's drawback is that it's a classic one-hit wonder (although it was part of a campaign). But what the fuck is going on? I'm actually liking some stuff recently. My crankcase must be leaking again.
previously in candy advertising:
1. M&Ms for business—hard to swallow.
2. Can't quite put my finger on why this campaign sucks.
3. Brown Sugar.
The Re-creation of Adam?
Your lawyer totally screwed that Hell Witch you married; she got nothing and you got the kids—time to celebrate, Mr. divorced, four-story stud, with a Corcoran copulation condo!
The realtor couldn't be happier that you, Daddy banker, won custody of the children. Corcoran loves moneyed children! And Daddy-O, you're gonna be needing a duplex now, right? A floor for the kids, and a floor for fucking! Here's my card!
previously in subtle real estate advertising:
1. The Power of Platinum.
2. CLEARLY defining your target audience.
3. Real estate stooges redefine "shocking."
4. The unparalleled hyperbole of real estate ads.
5. Harlem lodges beckon curly-haired cutey-pie.
6. Caledonia slightly updates its ad twats.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
I, uh, don't get it, HSBC Bank. Seriously, I don't.

(click ad to read copy)
Paging through the latest New Yorker, I came upon the above ad and stopped, which, I guess, is a good thing—at least the ad made me stop paging. Let's look closely at the elements. HEADLINE: Are You Ready For An Upgrade? VISUAL: four boys doing flips off of a bridge. PRODUCT: A "premier" bank account. Now, advertisers do sometimes place "smarter" ads than normal in the hoity-toity New Yorker. But, um, could somebody out there PLEASE explain to me what this ad means? I'm feeling really really stupid right now.
previous confusing corporate ads:
1. The Shell game.
2. Third ad of campaign: Fo Shizzle My Nizzle.
3. Co-Chairmen of the Board.
4. Why King Kong would never make a good banker.
5. Meet John Dowd. Banker. Founding Father.
The most egregious example of icon exploitation in an ad I've ever seen.

Freedom Honor Integrity. The Freedom to use one of the most revered photos in US history to sell trips on a luxury jet. The Honor to use six WWII soldiers—three of whom were later killed in the battle of Iwo Jima—to hoist your sales. The Integrity to...oh fuck it. I am not a patriotic man. I do not "love" my country. I love my parents and my girlfriend. And American icon exploitation is nothing new. But this is just tasteless.
Ad scanned from—where else?—"luxury" magazine Hamptons, one of the bullshit Niche Media titles that nobody reads except for the people photographed in them, published by scam artist Jason Binn, Prick.
UPDATE: an anon commenter emailed the company about the ad. This was their (apparently the CEO's) response:
"The ad in question is a July 4th holiday one. (It was not a "holiday" issue of the magazine)
What LAJ has to do with the celebration of freedom, is what every American should be honoring on that day.
To reflect upon the sacrifices made from all previous generations which have provided our republic to survive and thrive. This grants my company and its employees the freedom from want, fear, and opportunity to build a company on integrity.
Reread the narrative."
What a load of horseshit.
previously in worst ads ever:
1. My early frontrunner for Worst Ad of 2007.
2. So feel free to wear your tightest shorts, ladies.
3. Right Gwynnie. And I'm Martian.
4. "Middle manager" sends 10,000 horrified concert-goers scrambling for exits.
5. The Good Hands, Bad Taste People.
6. CLEARLY defining your target audience.
and the worst ever:
7. WTC asbestos ad.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The Punk Rock Guitar Whines of Whiny Upper West Side Punks.

For New York City parents of a certain socio-economic set, sending their over-pampered kids to overpriced camps is a rite of Summer.
At Rock 'N' Roll Boot Camp put on by NYCGuitarSchool (look at the cute rebels!), $543 gets their little Slash/Jimi Eight 3-hour "sessions."
Judging by the missing contact tabs on this flier, It's gonna by a heated competition to see who can first learn "Turn Turn Turn" by the Byrds to make Mom & Dad proud at the next Iraqi War protest.
previously in Stupid New York:
1. The four fashionable faces of Williamsburg.
2. The Trans Fat War Turns Childish.
3. The comedy of the NYC Office of Emergency Management.
5. Political Shtickball.
6. I-Banker Boot Camp.
7. TriBeCa Horror Film Festival.
8. It is hard for black kids to fit in on the Upper West Side.
I'd certainly want a strong drink if I was getting a vasectomy.
(pic taken in Flint, Michigan by brand spanker Matt from brandspankin.com)
Funny, I've never equated getting a haircut with getting drunk. Is that legal? Even if, I don't think it's a good idea to be sipping gin whilst a woman with scissors is hovering near my ears. And is she getting sloshed, too? Seagram's, my brain hurts: do you know something about barbershop culture that I don't? Well? ANSWER ME DAMMIT!!!
previously in irrational liquor ads:
1. Racks of Booze.
2. What's on your headstone, Tommy Dewar?
3. The drunken conversation is waiting.
4. Johnnie Walker "Keep Walking" thread.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Lies Well Disguised, #40.

Save the world. Destroy your liver.

According to an ugly-on-the-eyes print ad in last week's Time Out New York "Green" issue, Vodka 360's bottle is made from 85% recycled glass while its label is made with 100% post-consumer waste paper. Its tagline is: The Evolution of Vodka™.
The ad also states that the vodka is distilled four times and filtered five times, and that it is "distilled more energy efficiently."
Bypassing the obvious question—'You pathetic cause exploiters are fucking kidding, right?'—I have a secondary question: wouldn't it actually be, eh, more energy efficient to only distill and filter your eco-hooch, say, three times?
previously in Vodka:
1. V2. Get Bombed.
2. Let's get EFFEN drunk.
3. Staten Island needs to be distilled, like, five times by itself.
5. XTRA! XTRA! Another Vodka Xactly What World Needs!
related on Gawker: Vodka Ad Wars.
Jake puts his best shit-face forward.
The ad should read: Start Drinking Before You Start Talking.
Pretty much nothing is more traumatic for a 13-year-old than having one of those "talks" with the parents. So, break out the hooch and pour Jake (and yourself) a couple of fingers, for Christ's sake. Chances are, he might even listen to your hypocritical preaching. Probably should have some weed and Tranny porn on hand, too.
These idiotic Ad Council alcohol PSAs are just confusing the Hell out of the issue.
(snapped on Lexington Ave., midtown, but spotted all over Manhattan)
previously in alcoholism:
1. writer endorses alcohol.
2. alcohol's best ever tagline.
3. Ad Council PSA confuses wasted NYU students.
4. Excuse Me While I Puke And Die.